Installation Guide#
Python package#
pymchelper is available on PyPi, you can install install it using:
pip install pymchelper
This would install just basic capabilities of the converter program convertmc: conversion to text file and inspection tool. If you want to use more features, select a specific set of requirements:
to enable image converter use
pip install "pymchelper[image]"
to enable MS Excel converter use
pip install "pymchelper[excel]"
to enable HDF converter use
pip install "pymchelper[hdf]"
to enable TRiP98 converters use
pip install "pymchelper[pytrip]"
Multiple converters can also be enabled, i.e. by using pip install "pymchelper[image,excel]"
In order to use all feautures (i.e. all available converters), use:
pip install "pymchelper[full]"
To install as well plan2sobp program type: pip install "pymchelper[dicom]"
Python package (Debian based Linux)#
Deb packages are produced for 64-bit Linux distributions newer than debian 8 (jessie, released in 2015) or Ubuntu 16.04 (released in 2016). The contain a limited set of pymchelper functionality, mainly only the executable files. The files we provide in deb packages have no dependency on Python interpreter, therefore can run on quite old Linux distributions. With binary files there is no chance to use pymchelper as a Python library. We are maintaining our repository on Github Pages service. To add this repository on you system, download our GPG key and add an entry to sources.list directory:
wget --quiet --output-document - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo wget --quiet --output-document /etc/apt/sources.list.d/datamedsci.list
Finally run apt update and install pymchelper metapackage (which should install all required packages for the executables that we ship):
sudo apt update
sudo apt install pymchelper