Gamma Parameters

namespace yagit


enum class GammaNormalization

Enum with types of calculation of absolute dose difference criterion.


enumerator Global

Using any value you choose (e.g., max value in the reference image)

enumerator Local

Using local reference value (value at current voxel in the reference image)

struct GammaParameters

Structure with parameters of gamma index.

Public Members

float ddThreshold

Acceptance criterion for dose difference (DD) in percents [%].

float dtaThreshold

Acceptance criterion for distance to agreement (DTA) in millimeters [mm].

GammaNormalization normalization

Type of calculation of absolute dose difference criterion.

float globalNormDose

Value used for global normalization.

float doseCutoff

Dose value in the reference image, below which gamma index will not be calculated.

float maxSearchDistance

Maximum search distance in millimeters [mm]. Radius of the circle/sphere in which searching will be performed. Used only for Wendling method.

float stepSize

Step size in millimeters [mm] that is used when searching within the circle/sphere. Used only for Wendling method.