Image Data

namespace yagit
class ImageData

Container storing image and its metadata (size, offset, spacing)

Images are in format (frame, row, column) corresponding to (z, y, x) axes. Coordinates are based on LPS coordinate system.


It doesn’t contain information about the plane in which the image is saved. Instead, it assumes that all images are in the axial plane.

Subclassed by yagit::GammaResult

Public Types

using value_type = float
using size_type = std::vector<value_type>::size_type
using reference = value_type&
using const_reference = const value_type&
using pointer = std::vector<value_type>::pointer
using const_pointer = std::vector<value_type>::const_pointer

Public Functions

template<typename U>
ImageData(const std::vector<U> &data, const DataSize &size, const DataOffset &offset, const DataSpacing &spacing)
ImageData(const Image2D &image2d, const DataOffset &offset, const DataSpacing &spacing)
ImageData(const Image3D &image3d, const DataOffset &offset, const DataSpacing &spacing)
ImageData(std::vector<value_type> &&data, const DataSize &size, const DataOffset &offset, const DataSpacing &spacing) noexcept
ImageData(const ImageData &other) = default
ImageData &operator=(const ImageData &other) = default
ImageData(ImageData &&other) noexcept
ImageData &operator=(ImageData &&other) noexcept
bool operator==(const ImageData &other) const
bool operator!=(const ImageData &other) const
inline DataSize getSize() const
inline DataOffset getOffset() const
inline DataSpacing getSpacing() const
void setSize(const DataSize &size)

Set the size of image (frames, rows, columns)


size – New size - new number of elements (frames*rows*columns) must be the same as old

void setOffset(const DataOffset &offset)
void setSpacing(const DataSpacing &spacing)
inline size_type size() const

Number of elements of image (frames*rows*columns)

reference at(uint32_t frame, uint32_t row, uint32_t column)

Get image element at position (frame, row, column) with checking that the position is within the valid range.

const_reference at(uint32_t frame, uint32_t row, uint32_t column) const

Get image element at position (frame, row, column) with checking that the position is within the valid range.

inline reference get(uint32_t frame, uint32_t row, uint32_t column)

Get image element at position (frame, row, column)

inline const_reference get(uint32_t frame, uint32_t row, uint32_t column) const

Get image element at position (frame, row, column)

inline reference get(uint32_t index)

Get element at index of flattened image.

inline const_reference get(uint32_t index) const

Get element at index of flattened image.

inline pointer data()
inline const_pointer data() const
std::vector<value_type> getData() const

Returns copy of flattened image.

Image2D getImage2D(uint32_t frame, ImagePlane plane = ImagePlane::Axial) const

Returns copy of 2D fragment of image.

Image3D getImage3D(ImagePlane plane = ImagePlane::Axial) const

Returns copy of 3D image.

ImageData getImageData2D(uint32_t frame, ImagePlane plane = ImagePlane::Axial) const

Get the ImageData containing a 2D fragment of current image.


Returned image doesn’t contain information about plane - it is assumed it is axial.

  • frame – Frame of plane which will be returned

  • plane – Image plane according to which 2D image is obtained


ImageData with 2D fragment of current image

ImageData getImageData3D(ImagePlane plane) const

Get the ImageData containing a 3D image that is rotated according to chosen plane.


Returned image doesn’t contain information about plane - it is assumed it is axial.


plane – Image plane according to which image is rotated


ImageData with rotated 3D image

value_type min() const

Minimum value of the image.


If image starts with NaN, then minimum value will be NaN

value_type max() const

Maximum value of the image.


If image starts with NaN, then maximum value will be NaN

double sum() const

Sum of image values.


If image contains NaN, then sum will be Nan

double mean() const

Mean of image values.


If image contains NaN, then mean will be Nan

double var() const

Variance of image values.


If image contains NaN, then variance will be Nan

value_type nanmin() const

Minimum value of the image, ignoring any NaNs.

value_type nanmax() const

Maximum value of the image, ignoring any NaNs.

double nansum() const

Sum of image values, ignoring any NaNs.

double nanmean() const

Mean of image values, ignoring any NaNs.

double nanvar() const

Variance of image values, ignoring any NaNs.

size_type nansize() const

Number of elements of image, ignoring any NaNs.

bool containsNan() const
bool containsInf() const

Protected Attributes

std::vector<value_type> m_data
DataSize m_size
DataOffset m_offset
DataSpacing m_spacing