HDF file#

Saves data in HDF binary file format. HDF is designed to store large amounts of data organized in convenient way. One HDF file can handle many single- or multi-dimensional tables. For every detector a single file with .h5 extension is written.

An example usage#

Conversion is done using standard command:

convertmc HDF --many "*.bdo"

Assuming that we had “dose” detector output saved to dose0001.bdo, dose0002.bdo and dose0003.bdo, we should expect to get dose.h5 as an output file.

Data reconstruction#

Data can be extracted from HDF file with following Python code:

import h5py

# reading data and attributes from HDF file
 with h5py.File('dose.h5', 'r') as hf:
     data = hf['data'][:]  # numpy array with data storage
     attr = dict(hf['data'].attrs.items())  # dictionary with metadata